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Tray Former

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The automatic tray formers are capable of forming a wide range of tray sizes, including regular slotted trays in various configurations. This includes a full range of four-corner glued trays, one and two piece telescoping trays, and variations of triangulated corner and self-locking trays. The trays formed are suitable for most of the applications including agricultural, food processing and distribution. The machines will continuously operate at speeds of up to 40 trays per minute, depending on selected model and related options. Size changes are performed in less than 5 minutes.
Various options are available to ensure machine is customized to your industry, tray specification, or production line requirements. Advanced machine programming and diagnostics are available in multiple configurations.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

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